Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm going to have a giveaway but..

I am just too exhausted to get all of it together and take pics tonight.It will be a BIG assortment of awesomeness-handmade items, craft supplies and extra cuteness. I was going to get it all together today, because I thought today would be a relaxing day. Not. I was on my way back to work when i found out my aunt was in the ER and my cousin got HIT by a CAR. He is 9 years old. miraculously(seriously) there is no permanent damage-he just is hurting and bruised and cant walk on one foot. He was hit so hard that he was pushed up under another aunt, on the other hand, is in ICU and they found masses in both lungs that they think might be cancer. Her father died from lung needless to say ive been at the hospital all afternoon and just now got home. I will post the giveaway soon. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a chance. I think i need a cup of tea.yep. a cup of tea it is...


  1. oh my this sounds like a very rough day. I hope everything gets better for ALL of you!


  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt and Cousin. I'm sending some good chi your way.


    Thera Joyce

  3. Awww my prayers go out to you dear! keep your chin up!

  4. omg...I hope all your family is okay and safe! I wish only the best to come their way :)

  5. No wonder you're exhausted. I hope your family are well again very soon.
    Send on our love.

  6. :( I'm sorry to hear about that. Sending positive thoughts your way

    x0 Laura
