Saturday, April 9, 2011

Surrounding myself with beauty...

Lately, surrounding myself with beautiful colors and pictures has been very therapeutic. Ive been working in my art journal more, even though its hard to motivate myself to start, I feel so good after! Reading books with great pictures and learning new techniques has been nice. I think I like blogs so much because of the awesome photography and yummy recipes . I wish that life was as organized as blogging-happy stories, pretty pictures, and great food(without the mess). I m working on making my life what I want it to be and fill it with amazing things, instead of sadness.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

just an update...

Sorry I havent been posting for a few months! So much has been going on that other things just took priority. More deaths in the family, new job, the end and beginning of relationships, another move, the list goes on and on. I have missed all my blog friends and hope to be able to post more now! How is everyone doing?